Tasty Snack - Bobozee | Wet Cassava Chips | Yuca


Tasty Bobozi /wet Cassava Chips, one of Nigeria's staple foods, is the perfect snack made from cassava tuber (scientifically known as Manihat Esculenta).

This is a Nigerian snack with many names. Call it Bobozi, Akpu Mmiri, Wet Cassava Chips,Yucca / Cassava Chips, Abacha Mamiri,  Mapataka, Air Condition.

Snack is a very little portion of a light meal,  drink, or food kind of, especially eaten in between regular meals.

Craving is the main reason why people snack. But certain attributes is also a contributing factor to such craving; such as time of day, location, food availability, social climate, and the like.

Proper snacks on wet cassava chips Yucca with coconut /peanut will energize you and boost your metabolism, which will help you concentrate properly while working.

This snack is best enjoyed during hot weather as it cools the body, that was how it got the nickname of air conditioning

Cassava contains some good nutrients and shouldn't be eaten raw. This edible tuber root can be poisonous if it's not  well detoxify by cooking, soaking, and drying before consuming. In other to stop cyanide poisoning, proper measures of processing this food is very necessary.  

Homemade cassava snack/bobozee is easy to make, including other delicious cassava dishes recipe you can enjoy at home; like cassava akara, cassava flour amala (Lafu) with soup.

Cassava Snacks: How to Make Nigerian Wet Cassava Chips/ Bobozee


·         Cassava tubers (Yuca/Akpu)


·         Fresh coconuts

·         Palm kernel

·         Peanuts/ Groundnuts


Method of Preparation

1.       First, wash the cassava roots, cut horizontally into two or three pieces depending on the length of the cassava.

2.       Then, peel the cassava skin.

3.       Third, wash the cassava in the pot, and add water to cover the cassava, apply heat. Cook over medium heat for like 15-20 minutes.

4.       After that, remove from the heat and pour in a sieve to remove the water and then allow cooling completely.

5.       Then, finely chop the cooked cassava with a knife. The pieces should be about 3 mm thin.

6.       After cutting the cassava, soak for about 24 hours or overnight.

7.       The next day, rub gently on the chips with your open palms and rinse several times in generously cold water.

8.       Finally, rinse until they are nice and no longer taste sour. Change the water frequently when you wash them.

Enjoy with coconut, roasted peanuts (peanuts) or palm kernel nuts


