Banana: Health Benefits, Nutrition Facts and Uses

Banana is an edible fruit and produced by large herbaceous flowering plants in the genus Musa and is botanically known as berry one of the most widely appealing consumed fruits in the world.

Banana Nutrition

The facts about this fruit is based on 1 banana nutritional content is approximately 100 grams is said to contain; 89 calories, 75% of water, 1.1g protein, 22.8g carbs, 12.2g sugar, 2.6g fiber and 0.3g of fat, which is some of the nutrients found in this fruits. It is an amazing thing to know that humans share about 50% of their DNA with bananas, the banana calories and other content nutrients differ from one banana to another based on size.
According to an Australian nutritionist, eating banana skins can boost your fiber, vitamin C, potassium and magnesium intake and also banana benefits for weight loss and management. The kinu fruit nutrition facts are likely in line with that of the banana.

Amazing Health Benefits of Banana

Banana benefits for women’s that are pregnant; it contains Vitamin B6 which is a good nutrient that helps to meet their baby’s development needs and is found by research from the Royal Society that the potassium in bananas is correlated with women giving birth to baby boys. Banana also helps to prevent gestational diabetes which is caused by a lack of sleep during pregnancy according to a meta-analysis published by Sleep Medicine Reviews.

When eaten in moderation there isn’t any health risk associated with banana benefits. Meanwhile, the side effects like headache or sleepiness can be triggered when eaten in excess.
Banana benefits for men are found in the portable energy and potassium content which banana contains, which are needed to regulate the nerves, heartbeat, and blood pressure, thereby reducing the risk of stroke. Banana also aids the human immune system, helps in forming the red blood cell, and ensures a well functioning nervous system and assists protein metabolism.
The uses of bananas or banana fruit uses can be seen in their benefits when eaten like maintaining the skin, heart health, blood pressure, aiding digestion, giving energy and beating gastrointestinal tissues of the body.

Enjoy a ripe banana today and endeavor to include it in your diet and should be taken in moderation.

Photo Credit: Couleur
