Tiger nut also is known as Chufa, Ofio, and Aya and with the botanical name “cyperus esculentus” is a kernel surrounded with a fibrous sheath that comes in different varieties of black, brown, and pale yellow. It is found to yield milk, higher in protein, and lower in fat contents.
Moreover, people will always ask are Tiger nuts good for me? The answer is yes they are great nuts to be eating regularly. Another benefit of eating Ofio are numerous but in a nutshell, let see below;

Health Benefits of Tiger Nuts (Chufa) Ofio

Tigernuts milk benefits are seen in the content nutrients like vitamins, calcium, iron, magnesium, potassium, and phosphorus it contains;
·        It nourishes the body by treating digestive problems
·        A great immune booster as it boosts the immune system
·       Serve as a substitute for people that are allergic to cow milk; in other words, it’s a good substitute for lactose intolerance. A situation whereby the body is unable to digest a kind of sugar found in dairy products and milk.
·      Being super high in resistant starch fiber is one component of tiger nut and weight loss can be achieved since the resistant starch helps to reduce blood sugar spikes.
·        It helps in boosting breast milk production in nursing mothers
·        Improve fertility in men especially erectile dysfunction
·        Tiger nut also help to increase fertility in women as well
·        Prevents aging
·        Serves as a liver tonic
·        Chufas are heart-friendly diet
·        Ofio is a good sexual stimulant among male and female.
·        It heals serious stomach pain
·        Help reduce bad cholesterol and increase good cholesterol level.

Tiger Nuts Side Effects

People who are highly sensitive to high-fiber foods or with digestive issues like IBS might experience some side effects of tiger nuts are as follows;
·        Bloating and Gas (in form of excess gas intake in the stomach)
·        Cramps
·        Diarrhea
This is the resultant effect if they tend to eat much of tiger nuts. Due to its large content, its intake should be minimal in order to avoid obesity.
Regular intake of too many tiger nuts can also cause flatulence and abdominal pain.

Simple Method of Preparing Tiger nuts Drink

In the Preparation of tiger nut, one has to consider that all the ingredients for making tiger nut drink like are in place

·        Tiger nuts either (fresh nuts or dry nuts)
·        Water
·        Vanilla extract (optional)
·        Dates fruits
·        Honey or maple syrup
1.     First and foremost, if the nuts are dry ones, wash and soak for like 2 hours or more; but if they are fresh just go ahead to make your juice.
2.   Wash and remove the seed of the dates fruits then soak as well (Wondering, how to make tiger nut drink with dates? This is simply done by adding the dates-fruit into the mixtures prepared for the tiger nuts milk then wait while your delicious healthy drink is processed in the blender.
3. Transfer the Tiger nuts, dates, into a blender, and add water to other ingredients thereafter blender on high speed.
4.   Sieve and discard chaff at this point your delicious Ofio drink popularly known as tiger nuts milk is ready.

Serve and Enjoy!
