Fiber in apple is typically high though low in calories. In other to enjoy the benefits of apple fiber you will need to consume the entire apple including the skin commonly refer to apple peel.

Fiber also known as roughage whether soluble or insoluble one is very important because of the bodily benefits it offers; either of those found in high fiber fruits or high fiber vegetables helps to improve health by lowering the risk of heart disease, diabetes, and stroke, nourish skin texture, fights constipation and aids weight loss.

As recommended, how much fiber per day intake should be 38grams for men and 25grams for women. By adding to your fiber food list or checking out high fiber foods cart, you can discover a printable list of high fiber foods like in fruits such as apple and fiber in banana to increase the fiber intake in your diet. There are also more than 22 high-fiber fruits or snacks from which one can acquire richness in fiber for satisfying and healthy health.

An apple is freshly pome fruit that has green, yellow and red skin with a whitish inner; botanically called Genus Malus is of the rose family. Moreover, apple one of the high fiber foods lists on lose weight food; they are quite recommendable for any that seek for regular intake of fiber as required by the body. Since it contains about 100 grams of dietary fiber to meet up your daily fiber intakes.

Why peeling off apple skin

The part of what makes an apple one of the high fiber low carb foods is the fleshy skin which packs most of its fiber content, vitamin C, vitamin A, etc are capable of the following when eaten;

·        It eases breathing problems and also protects your memory with the aid of Quercetin.

·   It lowers the impact of cancer, increases the muscle and brown fat while burning up calories; thereby reducing obesity risk by the aid of ursolic acid it contains.

Health Benefits

High fiber meals as apple have numerous health functions in the body which are summarized as thus;

·        It is filling and promotes weight loss

·        Lowers the blood levels cholesterol and as such good for the heart

·        Reduces the risk of Type 2 diabetes, prevents cancer and fights asthma

·   It promotes the growth of good bacteria to protect body systems/organs (brain, bone, stomach).
